Tweaknt 1.21

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If you don't leave a space, the line of code will have 'null value' and be discarded from the script, causing possible problems. The space is important- it fools Vista into thinking there is some text to display, when that text is actually a blank space. Anyways, if you really want to remove the branding, open win32k.sys with a resource editor, go down to the 'Message Table' folder, open resource 1033 under folder 1, and delete the text in quotes on lines 210-215, plus line 219, making sure you leave a blank space where each line of text was (ex: replace'Vista (TM) Beta 1' with ' '). I warn you, you need to be very careful- this is an important system file! I may post my hacked copy later, but not until I'm sure it won't mess up someone else's computer. That file is 'win32k.sys', located in your 'system32' folder.

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If you want to remove the 'watermark' branding from the bottom right corner of Vista that appears on your desktop, you have to hack the system file that controls it.

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