What to build for dmg rammus jg lol game

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Their lower economy often forces them to prioritize health over resistances. As the laning phase ends, they prioritize tanky items to survive in team fights. They want to build damage early to take advantage of their early gank strength. Jungle bruisers function the same way as top lane bruisers. Playing a bruiser role in the jungle means often prioritizing health over resistances (image via Riot Games) Supports are highly susceptible to early ganks, but transition well later if they have strong enough allies to buff up. They are usually ranged and can poke down melee top laners early. Support top laners are most often used to support a hypercarry of some kind. They are often used to counter melee matchups top lane to try to snowball a large early lead. They often do not transition as well later in the game as the trade-off for their early game dominance. Ranged lane bullies are picked to win their lane matchup. Most will attempt to use waveclear to survive the lane as a squishy champion and transition to team fights later in the game.

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That is not to say that AP champions cannot thrive top, as they often have very good poke damage. AP champions in the top lane live for late-game teamfights (Image via Riot Games)ĪP champions are taken top usually because the team composition is AD-heavy everywhere else.

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